Thursday, March 08, 2012

To See

With respect,

Good Morning Everyone,

Yesterday’s wind storm is past, so this morning I went outside onto the courtyard, reset the chairs and tables, watered the plants, and picked up my binoculars to see birds fluttering in the trees. It was 42 degrees or so and the sun was just peaking up over the mountains. Suki had a great time trying to eat the water streaming from the hose as I watered and so I had to towel her dry. The smell of her dog dampness, the fresh air, and the sounds of wings aflutter were wonderful. It is a beautiful day.

There are simple things in our lives that so often go unnoticed unless we practice mindfulness. Some of these are pleasant, some not, but all are aspects of our lives and when directly experienced, complete us in unimaginably beautiful ways. If we just pay attention.

An artist sees without necessarily looking at objects, for example. Lines, positive space, negative space, and color all combine to yield something our mind organizes and labels. If we approach seeing with a looking eye, we will invariable fail to see. We might practice seeing without looking. This means just letting that which is there in front of our eyes appear as it is without reference to what it is. What it is is in our head and, as a filter, will distort the thing itself. To see clearly, we must let go of the what of things.

Be well

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