Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Birthright Citizenship

With palms together,
Good Afternoon All,

Will wonders ever cease?  Will the great and powerful never understand the limits of their power? Our infamous president just said he will end the right to citizenship of babies born in the United States of non-citizen parents.  Seems reasonable, doesn’t it?  I mean just because you were born in this country doesn’t make you a citizen...according to Mr Trump’s vision for America.

So, my conservative, constitution waving, flag-draping friends, what say you? Be careful though, this one is, indeed, a very slippery slope. Remember, he didn’t say “illegal” non-citizens, he said non-citizens.  So, if you were born of immigrants who were not naturalized, but otherwise here in the US legally, you will no longer be citizens of this country, and likely, here illegally as well.

More to the point, constitutionally, Mr Trump seems to think he can modify the constitution and laws derived from it, by Executive Order.   Now this takes narcissism and megalomania to a whole other level.  I’m not sure what part of the 14th amendment’s very clear phrase he doesn’t understand:

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.” 

Moreover, in later debate,  "concerning the children born in the United States to parents who are not U.S. citizens (and not foreign diplomats), three senators, including Trumbull, as well as President Andrew Johnson, asserted that both the Civil Rights Act and the Citizenship Clause would confer citizenship on them at birth,

Mr. Trump is clearly pandering to his base, and I hope those readers who once felt at home there are now beginning to feel a little ill at ease, as his rhetoric, insensitivity, and egoism is more and more chilling, as well as his willingness to create a militarized border with a wall, so reminiscent of post WW II Germany its stuns me.  Not only am I stunned by his effort, but also of the level of support he has among the populace.  Are we that afraid?  Do we have that little faith in capitalism and entrepreneurship, that they together won’t do what has been done throughout our nation’s existence? 

My conservative friends, ye of little faith in humanity, you’ve got what you asked for.



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