With palms together,
Good Morning All,
On a mountain, in a desert, on a plain, in a meadow, in the rain, in the sun, in the dark, in the wind: just be there. We do ourselves such a disservice always being somewhere else. We seem to think there and here are different. I suppose they are, in a manner of speaking. Yet, fundamentally, they are the same, earth, sea, sky and the face of human construct. When we appreciate somewhere else more than somewhere here, we are never really here and here itself seems the fiction.
Reality is never tasted this way. We live in a dream. Until the snap of lightening or the dropping of a glass to bring us to the present. Ah, the cocoons we are able to create! So pleasant.
We say, "I take refuge...together with all beings..." reminding us that living in the truth of the here and now is living in a world without duality. It is nowhere special and hardly distinguished. It is just here. This little finger touching this little key touching your eye and thus, your mind, and noticing this fact without much ado.
We practice zazen to appreciate this moment as fully and completely as possible, and then the next. We practice zazen to help us stay awake, that is, present, and nothing more.Knowing that living in this small thing is everything.
Be well.
May All Beings Be Free From Suffering
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1 comment:
thanks harvey.. love your blog.
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