With palms together,
Good Morning All,
There is a wonderful sun in the sky already here in New Mexico. The sky is clear and it is a nice 66 degrees F. I just returned from morning Zazen. We had a nice turnout for morning and I made us all pancakes and eggs with coffee. It was really nice sitting at the table together.
We talked about the precepts this morning and I tried to stress that the precepts are not rules. Rules are external, they are brittle, they are decidedly unBuddhist. The Buddha taught that we are all already completely enlightened beings, meaning that the precepts are actually fluid doorways to a true expression of our buddhanature. When we drop away the clutter and see directly with a clear mind, there is no separation between us and the precepts. We are the precepts.
Today, please be the buddha you are.
Be well.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
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1 comment:
i am a buddah trapped in conflict, resentment, hate fears, confusion, need of recognition, etc.
i am beginning to see how these rule my life. or so i think. i see how my being is at the mercy of all these fears and needs, all those things of the mind.
observing myself, during those scarce moments of light, i see i have a huge need of recognition. most of the things i do are motivated by that: a need to be recognized. a need to be told that i am good. a need to make a good impression. and i am quite successful for i do get recognition. and it feels good.
but i am beginning to feel betrayed. i am betraying myself. i am ignoring the real me for a drop of superficial satisfaction. i try to extinguish a fire that never ceases. or am i feeding it?
i am confusing my life with that fire, that need to get recognition.
whats going to be left once i understand and overcome my need to get reconition?
what am i going to do after that? what are going to be my new motives?
i have many i's. each one wanting to do its own different thing. i am being pulled in many different directions at once. i see that sometimes.
what to do? for now, i try to pay attention and find how that works.
something tells me i'll overcome that.
or is all this just a trick of my mind?
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